Comments on This Ad Fail
The other 3/4 do what they're told
die hard lol
what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing! You already told her twice! Mwa ha ha....
I just came to type that this was a fucking good one.
You don't wanna PAY MORE do you???
the last king of scotland? CHRISTFUCK, DON'T GIVE HIM IDEAS
beating + Rocky Balboa = more beating
Time to build some HURTIN' BOMBS.
i really hope all those comments are just jokes. cos if they are i find them funny, but if theyre not, im a coming for you...
nothin like being treated after the beating the wife...what's the first thing a women does when she gets back from the domestic violence shelter? the dishes if she knows whats good for her!!
add win.
1 out of 4 women should have come back from the kitchen with my sammich.
pay him $5 and you beat him
The other 3/4 do what they're told