Comments on This Ad Fail
he is a dick
Nah ah! Yes it does! Nah ah. .....YES It DOES!!
Dont be a Dick.
Nah ah! Yes it does! Nah ah. ........YES It DOES!!
it floats on water if you live in antigravity city like that guy
"Talk to the Techxperts" I think you should, Dick Smith -.-
Not a blacksmith but a dick smith who makes crappy phones
i laugh because it didnt float you immature people
$129 floats on water -- Too bad our phone doesn't, eh?
What a dick smith! HE LIED
o rly dick
had to be made by a dick..
Thanks d¡ck
you did it wrong D I C K
I don't know why, but I have a feeling hes full of shit
Im the only one who notice that guy it's called "Dick Smith"? xd
never trust a guy called Dick Smith
Ways with the Santa? Ima try and cuss: dick fuck shit
Hahahaha dick smith
see how well that works with boat
Dick smith floats on water.
Mr. Smith is lying becouse he's a d**k
Mr. Smith is lying becouse he's a Dick
There's an app for that.
Thanks dick
You don't say??
its really DICK!!!
This is almost too funny to be real.
I though the joke was that d*ck floats on water..