Comments on This Ad Fail
I've read about that a few days ago... aparently the owner of that shop is a registered sex offender...
"after hours" mmmm
ummm the pedo bear is missing a foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Thats Where he went...
That's how he keeps up with his porno
Top comment is correct. Google "cp distributor" and read thesmokinggun's article about it.
@top comment: ORLY? I thought he was an amateur! (captcha was "you're killing me, smalls." Oh, the irony.)
look a pedo-bear
Free computer diagnostics.... Hmmm... I'd like him to fix my computer.. ;)
I finally found some CP on the internets!
CP is child po##, and there's the proof: the pedobear on the corner.
Looks like pedo bear owns a computer shop where you can access child porno- computer parts
CP obviously stands for child pornogr-... computer parts...
the game
I've read about that a few days ago... aparently the owner of that shop is a registered sex offender...