Comments on This Ad Fail
Looks legit to me.
An asian's dream
that's a wierd way to write the number 1...
thats fucking heresy right there.......
the dog is missing a finger.
a catfish's worst enemy
Calling Dog Fort...
Why isn't the scientific community working on this!? Save the cures, give me my dog/lobster!
It's a blobster, a mix between a boxer and a lobster... And it's sure cute(I got 2 boxers so I dunno...)
someone call PETA
Don't worry, it tastes like chicken.
I'll have a hanging basket. My normal rope isn't doing the trick
Hanging baskets? Yes, I will suicide with weaved reeds
What's in my sushi then?
hum... it has a familiar taste, i can't identificate
Truth in advertising.
You're not fooling me cause I can see the way you shake and shiver!
Why I don't eat Chinese food.
Huh, so thats where my dog went while I was at summer camp...
roo try robster, is rerry nice!!
Looks pretttyyyy similar to me
Yo dawg, i heard you like crabs, so put a dog in your crab... wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Craaab Peeople... oh darn... Craaab Doooggies
Looks legit to me.